Articles on 17 January 2015

Board Dixie seeks club status as it grows more popular


On a quiet street the headlights of cars appear as members of Board Dixie converge on a small parking lot in Washington.

Despite the low temperatures, nearly 30 people have arrived to ride longboards together. This is Board Dixie, a club that meets most Thursdays at 9 p.m. Each ...

Homemade phone projector falls short of expectations

Dixie Sun reporter Haylie Anderson set out to make a homemade projector, as she saw on the website Pinterest, to project the screen of her smart phone. Photo by Preston Hunt

Pinterest has many great ideas — ideas that people would be more than willing to try if they just knew how the projects would turn out. Most Pinterest projects turn out as a failure; this one was not quite a failure, but it was pretty close. 

I tried making a projector ...

Velocity Webworks